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Environmental Development Technology Ltd

EDT is an innovative engineering development company combining over 60 years' experience in Research and Development with the former British Coal Corporation's Coal Research Establishment. EDT's aim is to improve engineered products in a wide range of activities including energy related process plant. This aim is to be realised through the development of new products, processes and technologies in partnership with end users.

Since its inception in 1995 EDT has won 3 Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Small Company Merit Award for Research and Technology (SMART) awards, an EU CRAFT project of Є819 000 as well as numerous design contracts with UK based companies.

EDT's company reference list includes: AEA Technology, British Sugar, DTI, Dupont, ETSU, Ford Motor Company, ICI, Monsanto, National Power, RJB Mining, SmithKline Beecham and United Nations.

Environmental Development Technology Ltd, Theocsbury House, 18-20 Barton Street, Tewkesbury,  Gloucestershire,  United Kingdom,  GL20 5PP